Thursday, 26 November 2009

26th Novemberrr... 2009

Right, so, it STILL hasn't showed up, I'm beginning to wonder if it's going to be wrapped up for my birthday tomorrow. If it is, I'll take a picture, finally, and put it on here, the blog's a bit boring, I know, because I can't put pictures on it...



  1. heyy agen, im sure he will turn up soon. on saturdaii i will sneak into yuur house nd hav a look 4 him, b4 yhuur other ppl get there in the afternoon, as i hear there is a part-ayy tht is gonna b wicked. lol
    bye xx kepp ritin plz xx

  2. ooooh, there r romours goin around tht yuu hav found the SQUEAKY CHICKEN !! tht is SOOO GR8 !!

    so now yuu can keep ritin more nd more bloggs bout its life ! which i find very interesting nd funnyy lmao
    bye lu xx

  3. but i do think tht it is time the squeaky chicken got an actual profile pic OF HIM lol
    thank yhuu xx
